Welcome to Year 1
All our classes are named after famous artists. Year 1 classes are
1 Matisse and 1 Rousseau, after the French artists Henri Matisse
and Henri Rousseau. Our Year 1 teachers are Miss Higgins,
Miss Sheikh and Miss Thorne.
This term we are focussing our literacy learning on books on our topic, The Equator, as well as the equator. We will be learning about the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. We will be looking at how the climate is different depending on what side of the equator you are on. We will explore the Poles and much warmer climates, such as the Amazon rainforest. The two main books we will be using are:
We will be developing our fact-file writing skills and continue to learn about ways to enhance our writing abilities, such as using varied adjectives and punctuation.
Our Year 1 children will focus on mathematical concepts such as place value within 20, addition and subtraction within 20, and place value within 50. The children will continue to explore the concept of place value by understanding the significance of numbers from 1 to 20 using concrete objects, number lines, and ten frames. Towards the end of the term, the children will then expand their understanding of place value to include numbers up to 50. They will learn to identify and represent numbers in terms of tens and ones, leading to an appreciation of the base-10 system. The children will then develop their addition and subtraction skills through hands-on activities and games using strategies such as counting on and counting back. The focus will be on fluency, enabling the children to add and subtract confidently within the range of 20.
In Geography, we have focussed our learning about the equator. We've enjoyed learning about the equator and the countries close and far away from it. In Science, we are learning about plants. The structure of a plant and even growing our own cress and predicting how much it will grow. In RSHE, we are learning about how to keep our bodies healthy. In our RE learning our focus is Easter and the Easter story.
Weekly spellings will be set on Spelling Shed each Friday and the spelling test will be on the following Friday. Please find the termly spelling attached at the bottom of this page.
Link to Spelling Shed
Children to log into Numbots and aim to complete 20 minutes per week.
Link to Numbots
All children have been sent home with a book bag and reading journal.
Please read with your children daily.
Here are some free resources called 'Letters and Sounds for home and school". A guidance film for parents to explain the basics of Phonics and how parents can support their child is below and a full letter explaining use of the resource is attached at the bottom of this page.
Link to Letters and Sounds
resources for parents.
There are lots of resources to be accessed through LGFL My USO, such as Busy Things.
Link to Busy Things
Here are some other useful links below for educational games, sites and activities:
Link to BBC Bitesize
Link to CBeebies Alphablocks
Link to Storynory
Link to Topmarks English Games
Link to Phonics Play
Link to Math Playground
Link to NRich Maths
Link to Topmarks Maths Games