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About Us

Key Information

Our aim at St James' is to provide all the information that our parents and prospective parents need about our school.

Below are various links to data provided  online by the Department of Education:

The dropdown menu under 'Key Information' on this website also gives details about the following:

'"This school... is a welcoming place where pupils’ well-being thrives in a happy and supportive environment. Staff and parents and carers work closely together to ensure that pupils achieve their best. Pupils feel safe at school, knowing they are supported by a dedicated staff team.
St James' Church of England Primary School continues to be a good school".
Ofsted, July 2024

We encourage feedback from parents; as well as using our Contact Us form on this website, or simply telephoning, texting, emailing or speaking to a member of staff, the Ofsted have a Parent View  survey about St James', you don't have to wait until the school is being inspected, the survey is open at any time.

This is a link to our 'Contact Us' form.

This is a link to Ofsted's 'Parent View' form.


Contact Details and Quick Links