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About Us

Our School Governors

What do Governors Do?

We are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the school and making sure that the children receive the very best education while they are with us. Much of the work of the governors is carried out by specialist committees.  These, in no special order, are as follows:

Finance and Personnel

This committee scrutinises the multi-million pound budget; approves the teachers’ performance management and targets; reviews and agrees pay policy, staffing levels, etc.


This committee is concerned with all aspects of teaching and learning and takes a keen interest in the attainment and progress of all children.  The committee receives regular reports from the various subject leaders and keeps abreast of what goes on in the classroom.

Learning Environment

This committee deals with all sorts of questions from the really big decisions about extensions to the building, to deciding how many toilets we need or what to do about the Hall floor.  An important function of this committee is to make sure that all Health and Safety checks and procedures are observed.


This committee has one of the knottiest problems to deal with – setting a fair and transparent admissions policy which meets local needs and satisfies the Department for Education regulations.


Underpinning all we do is the importance of upholding the Christian ethos of the school. The Faith Committee meets regularly and reviews and advises on this.

If you need to contact the Chair of Governors, please email


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