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Our Curriculum


Intent: At St James’ we aim to equip all learners with the experiences and skills of computing that they will use in a rapidly changing technological world. Every child will be confident and independent in their use of computing. They will be able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through computing activities which are taught and this will support them in their future endeavours. 

Implementation: Our curriculum provides rich opportunities for computing to be embedded in all subjects. They will have safe access to high quality equipment through a reliable, robust computer network. Every child has access to their own device and are exposed to a wide range of educational applications which simultaneously develops their computing skills and knowledge. There will be ongoing reference to the practising of e-safety in all internet use, both at school and home.

Impact: By the end of their time at St James’, pupils will have acquired a wide range of skills and become aware of different career opportunities available to them in later life. Children will become digitally literate enabling them to navigate the digital world. Exposure to computing will develop children’s confidence and support them with problem solving, coding and ethical, responsible and safe use of technology, including topics like digital footprints and online safety. Pupils will transition to secondary school with an interest in computing and will be keen to develop their skills further. 

This BBC video clip discusses why it's important for our children to learn to code:

Below are some photos of the children enjoying using technology and learning skills which will stay with them in an ever-growing technological world!








Computing curriculum:

At St James' we study a specific area of the Computing curriculum each half-term and use a range of resources and websites to support and guide our learning.                        

Useful websites

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