Physical Education
Our aim at St James’ CofE Primary is to create confident, independent, life-long athletes. Throughout a range of different sports and activities, the children are able to learn to work both independently, but most importantly, as part of a team, all while developing relationships and learning new skills. While children look forward to the new sports they will learn within their PE lessons, we know that there are many other benefits and experiences that can come from sport. PE teaches independence, communication and teamwork and strengthens values that can be taken forward throughout the children’s lives. Each week we focus on a “value of the week” and recognise a child who has demonstrated these important values who will be presented with the PE award, given to them in front of their peers at our weekly celebration assembly.
At St James’, every child across both key stage one and two is part of one of our four school houses – Brunel, Dickens, Ferdinand and Rhodes, all named after influential figures from the Southwark area. Throughout the year, in order to encourage healthy competition, the children will take part in events and sporting fixtures where they will compete on behalf of their house. We conclude the sporting calendar with our whole-school Sports Day events. Each house is represented by two members of Year 6, who are chosen as House Captains. These are children that have displayed all the characteristics we look for in a ‘sports leader’ throughout their time at St James’.
Through our partnership with the LPESSN, we take part in a range of inter-school competitions, in a range of different sports, including rounders, cricket, football, athletics, netball and more. We are very proud of the success of our school teams and look forward to building on this success year on year. As part of this partnership, we are also able to utilise the PE network’s offering of specialist coaches and sports festivals to go above and beyond the regular PE we are able to offer. We also engage with other local sporting clubs and organisations, building a wide network, which allows our students to receive a high level of coaching.
PE helps children develop and maintain good physical and mental health. It also has a direct correlation with improved academic achievement. PE introduces children to various physical activities and sports, encouraging them to adopt an active lifestyle. Developing healthy habits early in life can contribute to long-term well-being. At St James’, our children take part in a progressive curriculum that focusses on improving the fundamental skills that form the basis of all sports. Children will visit sports on more than one occasion, focusing on both the skills and the implementation of these skills in a competitive situation. With a large proportion of disadvantaged children, our outside partnerships allow our children to experience trips, competition and coaching that they may not otherwise have access to. Physical activity can also contribute to the development of self-esteem and confidence of children, and the successes that come with PE can be crucial to building a positive self-image.
Our PE values:
- Respect
- Teamwork
- Resilience
- Inclusion
- Sportsmanship
- Attitude
We have well-equipped halls at both sites and extra play equipment in the playground in both schools. Nursery and Reception have a new physical active play area in their outside area.
Your child is expected to wear the school PE kit on their PE/PA days. This includes:
- A yellow t-shirt
- Burgundy shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- A school jumper/cardigan
Other than the school emblem, all the above should be unbranded.
These are all available from our uniform suppliers
Please also make sure suitable shoes for sport (black trainers or plimsolls) are worn.
Plimsolls are available here.
Our House Captains
Competitions and Events
Sports Day 2024
The culmination of our sporting calendar saw another fantastic day spent at Southwark Running Track. KS1 started the day off full of zest and energy, taking part in their circuit of activities and races led by our Year 6 house captains who did a brilliant job at cheering on their teams. At the halfway point, Ferdinand had a commanding lead, but it was still all to play for in the afternoon when KS2 took to the field. As the sun shone down and the music played, the children gave it their all to earn points for their respective houses, and it all came down to the last few races. After a very competitive day, the scores were in, and it was Brunel who were once again crowned sports day champions. For all the photos from the day just click here.
Final scores:
Brunel - 1078 points
Ferdinand - 1056 points
Rhodes - 1028 points
Dickens - 983 points
Run St James' Run 2024
For the second year in a row, we took part in the Canada Water Charity Event: Run Kids Run. On October 13th, 135 children from right across the school took part in a charity run where they competed in a 2K race around Southwark running track. The children have also been fundraising to raise money for new green projects here at school and managed to raise over £1000! A big well done to all those who took part! Photos of the day can be found here.
Year 6 Capoeira Workshop
As part of our pledge to provide girls with more opportunities in sport and our partnership with the PE Network, our Year 6 girls were able to take part in a Capoeira workshop. They were put through their paces, learning all about agility, balance and movement.
Year 2 multi-skills afternoon
Year two were joined by Coach Samuel from the PE Network to work on a range of tasks focusing on improving their agility, balance and coordination. The children were challenged to work both individually but also as part of a team in some head-to-head competitive drills.
Women in Sport Festival
A group of our Year 6 girls had the chance to experience a host of new and exciting sports during the PE network's 'Women in Sport Festival'. They got to try their hand at trampolining, capoeira, boxing, volleyball and lacrosse, which was such a hit that the girls opted to have an additional session with their coach.
Platform Cricket
Through our partnership with Platform Cricket, our Year 4 children are lucky enough to receive a visit from one of their professional coaches who lead the children in six weeks of intense cricket sessions. The children work on their batting, fielding, bowling and running and have opportunities to put these skills into game situations. We will be putting our skills to the test in the summer when we attend the Bermondsey Cricket festival at Southwark Park. Platform Cricket also runs a number of after-school and holiday clubs. If you have any interest in these, please just speak to Mr Brenta.
Sports Inspired Festival of Sport
Our Year 5 children spent the day at the Castle Centre, taking part in a range of new and different sports. They joined two other schools in Bowls, Netball, Rugby, Taekwondo and Jujitsu.
Year 5&6 Futsal
Futsal is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world and some of our Year 5 and 6 children got to experience just why it's so popular! Along with four other schools, we took part in a fantastic competition at Bacons College. The games came thick and fast in this high-intensity game. At the end of the day, St James' won one, drew one and lost two, but most importantly, had an amazing time trying out a new sport. There were also first goals for Heidi, True, Jacob and Stephen! Well done to those involved.
Milwall FC Joy of Movement Sessions
Through our partnership with Millwall FC Community, our year 5 and 6 children have all taken part in their 'Joy of Movement' physical education scheme. They have been learning about healthy diets, the importance of exercise and the impact of screen time, as well as enjoying additional physical sessions too. As part of these sessions, we also received a visit from healthy drink company, Ninju, who lead the children in making their own fruit smoothies. To top it all off, we also received a visit from two of Milwall's first team who visited the classrooms for a quick Q&A about life as a professional footballer.
2025 Netball Nations Cup Mascots
Some of our Year 5 and 6 girls had the once in a lifetime experience of being the mascots for the 2025 Netball Nations Cup at the Copperbox Arena. The girls had the chance to go onto the court in front of 6000 spectators with the teams from South Africa, Malawi, Uganda and, of course, England. Before the games, the girls received a behind the scenes tour, including access to the England changing room and the chance to meet England player Tami Fapohunda for a Q&A. The day was live on Sky Sports and YouTube. Here is the link in case you want to watch all the action, and to spot our girls, head to the 24 minute and 2h 24 minute marks.
Year 4 Golf Afternoon
As part of our partnership with Aquarius Golf Course, our Year 4 children are lucky enough to receive a visit from coach Kim, who puts them through their paces in a range of different golfing challenges. The children practised their putting, chipping and aim as they went head to head in their school houses on a lovely sunny day in our KS2 playground.
Year 6 Inter-house Endzone
The PE Network paid our Year 6 children a visit to lead them in a morning of competitive end-zone. A cross between netball and benchball saw both year 6 classes face off in our first inter-house competition of the year. The children focused on their teamwork, communication and movement in a range of group games before taking part in the finals at the end of the sessions. Well done to Ferdinand House members from 6 Leopold and Dickens House members from 6 Hockney, who emerged as the overall winners!
Year 5&6 Girl's Football team
As part of the FA's "Biggest football session ever" campaign to get more young girls into football, some of our Year 5 & 6 girls took part in the PE networks annual all-girls football tournament. 17 schools took part in a fantastic day of very competitive football. Our team did incredibly well, winning three of their five games. There were goals from Emilia and Heidi, the latter picking up the Girl of the tournament award for the team.
Outside of school
If your child is looking for opportunities for additional sport outside of school, please ask Mr Brenta as there are a range of amazing clubs and organisations in and around Southwark. Below are just a few:
Southwark Jaguars Girls Football
We now have over 90 girls registered across our seven U9’s, U10’s, U11’s & U12’s Southwark Jaguars Girls Football teams. Unlike most football teams, we do not offer trials. If you are a girl and want to play, then we have the club for you.
Parents/carers will need to follow this link to register their interest.
Wild Cats Girls Football
Every Monday 17:00-18:00, Wildcats Football is a free football club for girls aged 5 to 11. It takes place at Burgess Park asto-turf on Cobourg Road. Register interest here.
Anthenlay FC Girls Football Club
Anthenlay Football Club are looking for girls in years 3 and 4 to join a new U9 girls team. No experience needed, just enthusiasm. Free weekly training sessions for interested girls will start on Tuesday afternoons from 14th January. 4:30pm - 5:30pm. Anthenlay Football Club, Homestall Road, SE22 0NP. Here is a link to our website.
Ballers Academy Free Girls Football
Ballers Academy is offering free girls-only football sessions every Monday from 4:00pm till 5:00pm. The sessions are open to girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 and will be hosted at Peter Hills Primary School, Salter Road, SE16 6NT. Link to sign up here.
Regan Soccer School
We offer free sessions on both Fridays and Sundays for boys and girls. Sundays will resume in early February and Fridays are for Reception and year 1 students only. Website is here.
Junior Park Run
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!
Every Sunday at 9:00am at Burgess Park, Albany Road, Southwark, London, SE5 0RJ.
Nothing - it's free! but please register before you first come along. Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode
Cross Fire Junior Badminton Club
Cross Fire Junior Badminton Club (a part of Crossfire BC) has a New Saturday Session and is looking for keen & enthusiastic players to join!
The session are from 12.30-2.00pm every week, at a new location
Venue: The Charter School East Dulwich, 117 East Dulwich Grove, SE22 8PU
The session is for Club & Academy Players, aged 8 to18yrs old
Club Players - New/Lower skill level & low experienced players
Academy Players - Higher skill level and experienced player