Welcome to Year 5
All our classes are named after famous artists. Year 5 classes are
5 Turner and 5 Ofili, after the British artists Joseph Turner and
Chris Ofili. Our Year 5 teachers are Miss Gordon, Miss Gutch and
Miss Hannaway.
What can you do at home?
Teachers have set assignments for
you to work through on Mathletics.
Link to Mathletics
You can compete against yourself or
take part in our class battles.
Link to TT Rock Stars
The BBC have their own primary lessons for you
to explore daily.
Link to BBC Bitesize for Year 6
Use Ed Shed to practise your spellings.
Link to Spelling Shed
Use Teach handwriting for Continuous Cursive Letters - Animations and Worksheets.
Link to Teach Handwriting
Use your Microsoft365 logon to access J2e which includes lots of activities including SpellBlast.
Link to J2e Logon
Read for 10-15 minutes daily.