Welcome to Cezanne Class
All our classes are named after famous artists. Cezanne class is named after the French artist Paul Cezanne. Our form teacher is Miss Rudd.
Our Book for Spring 2 is Ada's Violin.
Each week, the children will be given weekly spellings on a Friday. These will be in their reading journals. We focus on a sound of the week. Please practice these spellings with your children, so they are fully prepared for their spelling test every Friday.
Your child will be in a spelling group, Group 1, 2.
Please practice the correct spellings.
Group 1
Group 2
Our topic for the week commencing 10.03.25
Group 1- Hundredths
Group 2- Capacity/Volume

Link to Mathletics
You can compete against yourself or
take part in our class battles.
Link to TT Rock Stars
The BBC have their own primary lessons for you
to explore daily.
Link to BBC Bitesize
Use Ed Shed to practise your spellings.
Link to Spelling Shed
Use your Microsoft365 logon to access J2e which includes lots of activities including SpellBlast.
Link to J2e Logon

Link to LGFL My USO to access Busy Things
You can access Busy Things through your using your Microsoft 365 logon.
Link to Twinkl Sign-up
Twinkl has lots of resources and activities you can access for free for 30 days.
Link to Hit the Button
Hit the Button is a great fun resource to help with times tables and other mental maths facts.
Key Websites - Maths
Key Websites - English/Reading
Key Websites - Miscellaneous
Link to language site Duolingo
Link to science site Wonderopolis