Welcome to Year 6
All our classes are named after famous artists. Year 6 classes are
6 Leopold, after the Sierra Leone artist Xavier Leopold and 6 Hockney, after the British artist David Hockney. Our Year 6 teachers are Mr Ranentheran and Miss Rozier.
Many topics will be covered this year including the environment, war, Asia, Kingdom of Benin, the world we live in and medicines & illness. Any homework projects on the current topic are encouraged.
Details of this year's residential trip taking place in June 2025 at PGL will be posted soon.
Teachers have set assignments for
you to work through on Mathletics.
Link to Mathletics
You can compete against yourself or
take part in our class battles.
Link to TT Rock Stars
The BBC have their own primary lessons for you
to explore daily.
Link to BBC Bitesize for Year 6
Use Ed Shed to practise your spellings.
Link to Spelling Shed
The website eMaths contain a number of
practice papers for Reasoning and Arithmetic.
Link to eMaths Practice Papers
Use your Microsoft365 logon to access J2e which includes lots of activities including SpellBlast.
Link to J2e Logon
We ask that children read every day and input this into their reading journal; learn weekly spellings which can be found in an attachment at the bottom of the page; practice times tables; book reviews for favourite books can also be written.
A number of workbooks that could help with home study include KS2 English SAT Busters on Punctuation, Reading, Grammar and 10 minute tests and CGP's KS1 English Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling and KS2 English Reading -study and practice books.