February 2025 - Walk in Flu Vaccinations in Southwark
Once again, we have been asked by Southwark Immunisation Team to let you know that walk-in appointments are available in our area for 2 - 19 year olds who may have missed their flu vaccination.
Once again, we have been asked by Southwark Immunisation Team to let you know that walk-in appointments are available in our area for 2 - 19 year olds who may have missed their flu vaccination.
A busy week of learning – in addition to English and Maths, children have focused their attention on Design Technology and have produced some super, imaginative learning around this. Our library visits have continued, and swimming, PE and ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall all continue too. Children in Years 3&4 are also busy rehearsing for their production which will be held just before we break up for half term on 12th & 13th February.
Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued to focus on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and we’ve looked at some parables, considering ‘Your kingdom come’. The theme of The Lord’s Prayer continues this half term. Please see below a list of events for next week. Attached at the bottom of the page is our full newsletter, a refreshed diary sheet, a flyer from Southwark tennis camp at half term and a reminder about free vaccinations for flu in the Southwark area for 2 - 19 year olds.
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a lovely weekend;
God bless, from the St. James’ team.
We continue to have a purposeful and productive half term – children are really engaged with their class topics including science. Library visits have continued; Y3 Lawrence have completed their Road Safety training; swimming, PE and ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions have all taken place.
Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued to focus on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and we’ve looked at the names of God, as depicted in the line ‘Hallowed be your name’. The theme of The Lord’s Prayer continues this half term.
Our full newsletter and updated diary sheet is attached below' as well as a summary of another busy week ahead.
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a super weekend.
God bless, from the St. James’ team.
If you are listed as your child/ren's primary guardian and you have yet to logon to the Arbor Parent Portal, or download the app to your device, do visit our website page to find out how: Information on Arbor Parent Portal.
Once again, we signpost our families to our Safeguarding pages on this website including our Safer Internet Day which is celebrated every February to highlight the pleasures as well as pitfalls of internet use. Where to go for advice? Who to contact if you are worried about internet use in your family or by something you have seen?
Families shopping online and also considering buying devices for their children should consider the advantages as well as pitfalls. It is always useful to get some topical advice before you buy so here are some top tips to guide you.
The National Cyber Security Centre has a page giving advice on how to shop securely online, https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/shopping-online-securely. Here is a short video giving an idea of the topics covered:
They also offer a range of advice to protect you and your families as well as information on what to do if you are hacked or have a cybersecurity issue:
Childnet provide some valuable ideas around digital wellbeing:
Get Safe Online covers a vast array of safeguarding issues and advice, broken down by subject and by age range: https://www.getsafeonline.org/personal/article-category/safeguarding-children/
Children's Tech guide 2023 and also Setting up Tech safely for children
are both useful links from internetmatters.org
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Evelina London School Nursing Service. If you are a parent/carer of a child(ren) at school and are worried about your child’s health and wellbeing, school nurses are here to help. We work in teams across Southwark and Lambeth and you can contact us for confidential advice and support on a wide range of issues. Please see our flyer attached below for further details of the services we can offer.
Please let us know if your child has medical or physical and/or emotional health needs for which they need support. You can text a school nurse on 07520 631130.