Latest Newsletter - Friday 14th February 2025
We've enjoyed a great week of RE learning as we approach the end of Spring Term 1! Time really has flown since we returned after Christmas and we’re really proud of all children’s achievements and hard work this half term. Library visits, swimming, PE and ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall all continue to be enjoyed by all too. Year 2 have all attended trips to The Garden Museum, Vauxhall and Years 3 & 4 children wowed us with their amazing performance of ‘Joseph’s Coat’ this week – very well done to them and to Miss Jess for putting this together.
Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued to focus on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and we’ve looked at some parables, considering the importance of ‘Forgiveness’.
Please see attached at the bottom of this page
- our full newsletter
- a flyer for an event after school on Friday 14th February called 'Messy Valentine' at St James' Church.
- an updated Diary Date sheet.
- information about a new Monday after-school club for KS2 starting after half term.
- a flyer about St James’ STEM Fair – 17th-21st March.
Please remember that we break up at normal school time for Spring half term on Friday 14th February for one week. We wish you, our children, and our whole school community a really lovely, fun, happy and safe half term. Let’s pray for some good weather! We look forward to seeing you back on Monday 24th February for Spring term 2.
God bless, from the St. James’ team
Events for the first week of Spring Term 2
Monday 24th February
- Back to school for Spring term 2 normal school times;
- Monday after-school extra-curricular clubs continue for the Spring term including new club KS2 Cricket.
Tuesday 25th February
- No events on calendar.
Wednesday 26th February
- Year 6 Scholar’s Programme Graduation event at Royal Holloway,
University of London.
Thursday 27th February
- No events on calendar.
Friday 28th February
- 5 Ofili swimming – weekly until 28th March;
- Year 2 trip to the city as part of their Great Fire of London topic.