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News & Events

Newsletter - Friday 24 January 2025

A windsock blowing out at right angles on the end of a flagpole, referencing the windy weather we have been having this week.

We continue to have a purposeful and productive half term – children are really engaged with their class topics including science. Library visits have continued; Y3 Lawrence have completed their Road Safety training; swimming, PE and ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions have all taken place.  

Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued to focus on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and we’ve looked at the names of God, as depicted in the line ‘Hallowed be your name’. The theme of The Lord’s Prayer continues this half term. 

Our full newsletter and updated diary sheet is attached below' as well as a summary of another busy week ahead.

Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a super weekend.
God bless, from the St. James’ team.

Events next week – please also note the ‘dates for your diaries’ letter attached below.

Monday 27th January:
- ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall for ALL Year 5 and 6 Hockney –
   PE kits required;
- 4 Kahlo visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling;
- Monday after-school extra-curricular clubs begin for the Spring term. 

Tuesday 28th January:
- 4 Monet visiting Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping & story-telling;
- Art workshops with a local artist for selected groups of children at KS2.

Wednesday 29th January:
- Year 6 Scholar's Programme seminar in school;
- Art workshops with a local artist for selected groups of children at KS2.

Thursday 30th January:
- Art workshops with a local artist for selected groups of children at KS2.

Friday 31st January:
- 6 Leopold swimming – weekly until Spring half term; 
- 5 Turner visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling

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