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Newsletter Friday 19th July 2024

WHAT. A. WEEK! We weren’t expecting Ofsted to call on Monday, and while this was challenging in the final week of the term, we were very ready! I can’t share the judgement of our Section 8 inspection with anyone outside of school until it’s published in September, however I do want to say we had a very positive inspection experience with a lovely inspector who said MANY super things to praise our children, staff and community. We’ll share what will sadly be a very short report as well as some of the highlights with you in September. My sincere and heartfelt thanks for all your messages of support and excellent comments on our Parent View Ofsted website.

This week Reception performed their end of year show, Nursery graduated, Belgium class attended a great sports event and Year 6 attended their Leavers’ Service at Southwark Cathedral. Our church service today has given us a final chance to say a fond farewell.

Details of timings of the new school day from September, our new parent app for communication and bookings, uniform and attendance news are all contained in the full newsletter attached below. don't forget our Summer Fun 2024 page of this website which has all the flyers for events we have forwarded to you in the past few weeks.

Wishing you, along with our whole community, a super, safe, happy and resful Summer holiday. We’re looking forward to seeing you all and the children back on Tuesday 3rd September at the NEW starting times. Information on gates etc will be sent before we return.

God bless, from the St James' team.

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