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News & Events

Newsletter - Friday 5th July 2024

Another terrific week – the end of the term and academic year is rapidly approaching! This week, Y1&2 have all visited the BST Festival in Hyde Park; Y3&4 will visit next week. Our Young Marketeers had a super trading day at Borough Market, selling produce they’ve grown in the Alexis St garden and raising money for school. Y6 had a really thought-proking workshop with local Police Officers all about personal safety as part of their PSHE curriculum. Ivana from @storying_space has also been visiting us for story-telling sessions over both sites. Our library visits have continued, swimming lessons, music and performing arts lessons are going really well too. Y5&6 are very busy rehearsing for their production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ which we can’t wait to watch next week! Please note, all Monday clubs have now finished for this year – new opportunities will come in September. Our Collective Worship theme has begun to focus on ‘Moving On’ and those important changes which happen each year. We’ll continue with this theme until the end of term.

We have such a busy week ahead; there is lots of information in the newsletter attached below on the various events, together with the diary dates list. There are also some important details regarding next term so please do take a look to digest all the information there. We've also attached some summer flyers below.

Wishing you, along with our whole community, a super weekend!
God bless, from the St. James’ team

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