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News & Events


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  • An important message to all parents of St James'.

    Published 15/07/24

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Please find attached below a letter informing you of a visit from Ofsted to St. James' on Tuesday and Wednesday (16th and 17th July). A paper copy of the letter is coming home to you today too.

    Do note the link to the Parent View website ( to give your views and opinions - as many as possible by 11:00 tomorrow (Tuesday) would be so much appreciated.

    The handbook for parents is also attached for your information.
    A real chance for our children and staff to shine!!

    God bless,

    Mr. Michael M Oliver

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  • Summer Fun 2024

    Published 08/07/24

    We are regularly receiving flyers for summer holiday activities you may wish to visit.

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  • Latests Newsletter - Friday 12th July 2024

    Published 11/07/24

    Events and opportunities continue with their usual buzz as we approach the final week of this academic year and near the long Summer holiday!

    Y5&6 performed amazingly well in their production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ – very well done to them and also to Miss Jess! Y5&6 also have their Violin recital at OJR at 2pm, which you’re welcome to attend. Y6 have their final swimming sessions this week. Y4 had a ‘Sport-inspired’ assembly followed by a fun Multi-Sports trip where they performed really well. Reception had a great Sports Day; Y5 took part in an amazing Drama Masterclass at SSSO and Y3 attended the BST Festival in Hyde Park. Sadly this event was cancelled due to the heavy rain and subsequent mud for Y4, however they had a great day in school on Wednesday instead.

    Our Collective Worship theme has continued to focus on ‘Moving On’ and those important changes which happen each year. 

    We continue to post any summer flyers on our Summer Fun 2024 page. We have a full final week ahead so please consult the newsletter below for details of events taking place. A snapshot list of these is below.

    Wishing you, along with our whole community, a lovely,
    final weekend of this academic year!
    God bless, from the St. James’ team.

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  • Newsletter - Friday 5th July 2024

    Published 04/07/24

    Another terrific week – the end of the term and academic year is rapidly approaching! This week, Y1&2 have all visited the BST Festival in Hyde Park; Y3&4 will visit next week. Our Young Marketeers had a super trading day at Borough Market, selling produce they’ve grown in the Alexis St garden and raising money for school. Y6 had a really thought-proking workshop with local Police Officers all about personal safety as part of their PSHE curriculum. Ivana from @storying_space has also been visiting us for story-telling sessions over both sites. Our library visits have continued, swimming lessons, music and performing arts lessons are going really well too. Y5&6 are very busy rehearsing for their production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ which we can’t wait to watch next week! Please note, all Monday clubs have now finished for this year – new opportunities will come in September. Our Collective Worship theme has begun to focus on ‘Moving On’ and those important changes which happen each year. We’ll continue with this theme until the end of term.

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  • Time for change!

    Published 17/06/24

    The Children's Commissioner has signposted a wealth of resources for families to access who have children either starting primary or secondary school, everything from what to expect to what to have for lunch! Do take a look, the links are from the BBC Bitesize website and are also listed below. The CC website also has lots of  information regarding the wellbeing of children and is worth a look.

    There is also information for children moving up to secondary school regarding internet safety and getting your first mobile phone; click on this Moving On link to see some useful videos, as well as the flyers attached at the bottom of this page.

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  • Internet Safety

    Published 01/02/24

    Once again, we signpost our families to our Safeguarding pages on this website including our Safer Internet Day which is celebrated every February to highlight the pleasures as well as pitfalls of internet use. Where to go for advice? Who to contact if you are worried about internet use in your family or by something you have seen?

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  • Online Safety Guidance for Families

    Published 12/12/23

    Families shopping online and also considering buying devices for their children should consider the advantages as well as pitfalls. It is always useful to get some topical advice before you buy so here are some top tips to guide you.

    The National Cyber Security Centre has a page giving advice on how to shop securely online, Here is a short video giving an idea of the topics covered:

    They also offer a range of advice to protect you and your families as well as information on what to do if you are hacked or have a cybersecurity issue:

    Childnet provide some valuable ideas around digital wellbeing:

    Get Safe Online covers a vast array of safeguarding issues and advice, broken down by subject and by age range:

    Children's Tech guide 2023  and also Setting up Tech safely for children 
    are both useful links from

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  • A virtual visit to St James!

    Published 09/12/21
    We're proud of our school and of our children!
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  • For Parents/Carers of children 5-19 years old at school in Southwark or Lambeth

    Published 08/07/21

    We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Evelina London School Nursing Service. If you are a parent/carer of a child(ren) at school and are worried about your child’s health and wellbeing, school nurses are here to help. We work in teams across Southwark and Lambeth and you can contact us for confidential advice and support on a wide range of issues. Please see our flyer attached below for further details of the services we can offer.

    Please let us know if your child has medical or physical and/or emotional health needs for which they need support. You can text a school nurse on 07520 631130.

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