Latest Newsletter - Friday 28th March 2025
A really focused Assessment Week where children have impressed us with their assiduous attitudes! Year 3&4 children attended an Athletics tournament on Wednesday; KS2 have their Tennis Coaching Day today; 5 Ofili conclude with their swimming lessons today, and library visits, violin lessons and performing arts/PE lessons all continue. We’re really looking forward to Years 5&6 performing ‘Into the Woods’ at OJR next week! Details below. Thank you for your support for Comic Relief last week – collectively we raised £183.45 for this very deserving cause.
Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued with our theme of ‘Friendships in the Bible’ with Dorcas. Next week we’ll focus on Easter and ‘The Way to the Cross’ in the lead up to the Easter holidays.
Do be reminded we finish for the Easter Holidays NEXT FRIDAY – 4th April. This will be a HALF DAY – 13:30 Old Jamaica Road/13:15 Alexis St. Also note there is no after-school club provision on the final day of term.
Please see the full newsletter below together with diary dates sheet and flyers concerning various events in the local area over the Easter break.
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a super final weekend before the end of the Spring term.
God bless, from the St. James’ team.