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Web Publication Parental Consent Form 2024 2025

Dear Parents,
Parental Consent for web publication of work and images

Once again your renewed consent is sought for the electronic publication of your child/children's work and photographic image, as described in the form below.

For our existing families, we know that you have informed us of your views on this matter in the past but we are legally obliged to check each year that your wishes have not altered. This is in line with your right to privacy as described in our UK-GDPR Privacy Notice Primary. A copy of the privacy notice is posted at the bottom of the school website home page (green section) under the heading UK-GDPR. You may grant or withdraw your consent at any time by informing the school in writing to notify them of your change of decision.

St James' take the privacy of you and your family seriously, as we have always done, and will do our utmost to adhere to your wishes. Please submit the form below without delay. This will enable us to continue to celebrate the wonderful work and achievements of all the children at St James'. This is done through the medium of our school website, instagram and twitter feeds and from time to time, by posting embedded links on our website from our private Vimeo account, showing videos of the children performing sports and drama. This is not an exclusive list but represents the main use of the images taken by staff in school on school-owned devices.

Please tick one option only for each of the three statements below. Your help in this matter is much appreciated.

I give my consent to my son/daughter's work being electronically published.*
I give my consent that appropriate images and video that include my son/daughter may be published electronically, for example, on the school website, instagram, twitter feeds, etc.*

This consent will be sought and renewed each academic year. You may withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the school to notify them of your decision. Your rights to privacy will be upheld as described in the SDBE UK-GDPR Privacy Notice Primary.

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