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Lunch at St James'

We serve hot lunches to the children at both sites. We are thankful to our kitchen staff for running our hot food programme and to our classroom staff for their help in serving lunches.

Click below to view our three-week rolling program of menus, one document for each site which includes allergen ingredients at the bottom of each page. 

We are passionately committed to healthy eating to ensure full brain use and energy whilst at school. The school lunches are prepared by our staff with natural ingredients, bought locally as much as possible. Sharon Fox oversees both our kitchens. 

All children’s school lunches are provided free of charge by Southwark. However, there are forms for those families that are entitled to free school meals under the benefit system and these need to be filled in by qualifying families in order for the school to claim additional budget. For this reason guardian details are gathered upon admission to check if you may be able to claim for free school meals. 

We do appreciate that some children may prefer to bring a packed lunch to school on certain days. The flyer at the bottom of this page gives Packed Lunch Guidance as well as sets out which food items are not allowed in school due to allergen risks to other students. If your child is bringing in a lunch from home, please read the flyer in order to follow the guidelines provided and avoid risk to other children - many thanks for your consideration.

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