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Relationships & Health Education

We urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 



We aim to provide children with the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need in order to manage their lives both now and in the future. Children will learn how to look after themselves physically and mentally. We will help to develop the attributes the children need to thrive as healthy and fulfilled individuals, as part of a family and as a confident, active member of the wider community. This is through helping pupils to develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy. We will enable our children to form healthy and positive relationships and teach them the importance of showing respect to others.  


As a school, we use quality first teaching to ensure that learning is purposeful, active and exciting. Teachers follow a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place in a safe and secure environment, so that pupils can explore their own and others’ attitudes, values and skills. Lessons involve a high level of interaction where each pupil has planned opportunities for learning, which will give them scope to work to their full potential. Children are taught how to manage and regulate their emotions to ensure they are ready to learn and perform to their best ability. We promote children’s wellbeing and mental health through physical health in PE, celebrating Mental Health week, e-safety workshops, anti-bullying week and many more activities.  



Children will leave year 6 having gained the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need in order to manage their lives following on from KS2. Children will use the skills they have learnt to thrive as healthy and fulfilled individuals that will make an impact on the wider community through their development of feelings, self-respect, confidence and empathy. Children will be able to communicate how to keep themselves safe through the transitions they will face throughout life.   



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