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Mindfulness & Wellbeing

Paying attention to our mental wellbeing and that of our families sometimes needs personal reflection and occasionally the help and support from professionals outside of the home. Below are some apps to download and other resources that may help to focus on how we are feeling and find help when we need it. 

The Anna Freud Organisation and Place2Be's are both excellent websites with many useful resources around this theme, we have downloaded a few of them at the bottom of this page as well as a series of podcasts which can be accessed from this page.

Children’s Mental Health 

  • For staff, parents and young people: find useful tools, apps and websites in our comprehensive list of mental health resources including support for young people who feel particularly overwhelmed by the pandemic.
  • For teachers: The charity, Education Support Partnership, offers advice and counselling to help you look after yourself and your staff. Visit their website for information on keeping a good work-life balance and dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. They also offer a free 24/7 helpline for staff: 08000 562 561. 
  • For pupils: module has been added to the RSHE curriculum for primary and secondary schools, specifically designed to focus on mental health for children and young people.

Educating Mental Health: Mind’s inquiry into mental health

Take part in Mind's short online survey into mental health in secondary schools to share your experience of working with children and young people throughout secondary school – from year 7 to 11, plus sixth form.  

Here is a link from the NHS explaining what mindfulness is and how it helps our mental wellbeing.

Mindfulness activities and videos from Children & Young People's Health Services.

Mindfulness for kids - a whole website of resources, audio and video links:

A short video on mindfulness for children from the Cosmic Kids Zen Den:


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Some mindfulness apps to download:






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