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Healthy Schools


At St James' we strive to ensure all of our pupils are healthy, both on the inside and out. We have achieved our Bronze and Silver Healthy Schools awards, recognising the work we do to ensure our pupils are aware of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

We are now working towards our Gold Award  to further promote and improve the health and well-being  of everyone at St James'.  Here are just some of the activities and initiatives we'll be enjoying at school over the next year:

  • - Philosophy for Children
  • - Projects on self-regulation and meta-cognition
  • - participation in the new Head First projects, promoting resilience in children
  • - Gardening and growing our own fresh fruit and vegetables
  • - Parent cookery courses
  • - Lessons following the Swedish 'Flavour School' model
  • - More extra-curricular sport activities and clubs


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