Latest Newsletter - Friday 7th March 2025
A busy, sunny and productive week - children have continued to be immersed in their History topics this week, 5 Ofili continue their swimming lessons, and library visits, violin lessons and performing arts/PE lessons all continue. It’s great to see children dressed up as their chosen book characters today to mark World Book Day!
Our Collective Worship theme this week has focused on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday as the countdown to Easter begins. Next week we’ll continue with our theme of Friendships in the Bible with Ruth and Naomi.
Our full newsletter is attached below together with an updated diary dates sheet and numerous information flyers.
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a lovely weekend
God bless, from the St. James’ team.
Summary of Events for the coming week
Monday 10th March:
- 4 Kahlo visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping;
- Monday after-school extra-curricular clubs continue for the Spring term.
Tuesday 11th March:
- 4 Monet visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping;
Wednesday 12th March:
- Year 4 members of Cezanne class continuing with weekly cooking opportunities with Appleby Blue;
Thursday 13th March:
- Nursery Open Morning – info and booking link as above;
- KS1 & Reception HG Construction Site Safety assembly (re-scheduled) with Harry the Mascot at OJR.
Friday 14th March:
- Y6 taking part in an ‘Endzone’ Bench Ball – inter-house - in school at Alexis St;
- Neil Coyle MP visiting with Commonwealth representatives to deliver an assembly at OJR during morning;
- 5 Ofili swimming – weekly until 28th March;
- 5 Turner visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping.