Latest Newsletter - Friday 7th February 2025
Another really focused and productive week of learning; children have learnt French and completed work around Relationships & Health Education; library visits, swimming, PE and ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall all continue to be enjoyed by all too. It’s great to see children in non-uniform today, expressing themselves for our weekly theme of ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’!
Children in Years 3&4 are still busy rehearsing for their production which will be held on 12th & 13th February - full details are in the newsletter attached below.
Our Collective Worship theme this week has continued to focus on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and we’ve looked at some parables, considering ‘Our Daily Bread’. The theme of The Lord’s Prayer continues this half term – next week with ‘Forgiveness’.
Remember – we break up for Spring half term for a week next Friday – 14th February – at the norlmal school times. We look for ward to the children’s return after a week away on Monday 24th February for Spring term 2!
Wishing you, our children, and our whole school community a super weekend J
God bless, from the St. James’ team.
Events next week – please also note the ‘dates for your diaries’ letter attached below.
Monday 10th February
- ‘Joy of Moving’ sessions with Millwall for ALL Year 5 and 6 Hockney – PE kits required;
- 1 Matisse visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling;
- Monday after-school extra-curricular clubs continue for the Spring term.
Tuesday 11th February
- 1 Rousseau visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling;
- 2 Picasso trip to the Garden Museum, Vauxhall to learn about seeds and growing as part of their Food topic;
- Safer Internet Day – activities in school.
Wednesday 12th February
- Year 3&4 production of ‘Joseph’s Coat’, 14:00 and 18:00 in the OJR Hall.
Thursday 13th February
- Year 3&4 production of ‘Joseph’s Coat’, 14:00 in the OJR Hall.
Friday 14th February
- 6 Leopold swimming – weekly until Spring half term;
- 2 Picasso visiting the Blue Anchor Library for book-swapping and story-telling;
- Break up for Spring Half Term – normal times, 15:15 Alexis St/15:30 OJR.