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Newsletter - Friday 4th October 2024

Another busy week – Reception, Y1&2 children took part in Drama4All workshops; Y2 continued their PE sessions with Surrey Cricket team and have enjoyed a multisports event. All children have been engaged in Poetry learning to mark National Poetry Day; library visits continue and performing arts and music lessons are all going well too.

Please find attached below our full newsletter, important dates for your diaries, and flyers regarding local events as well as immunisation and our parent gym course. Production dates are all set and all school events will continue to be updated as we receive confirmation of trips and other events, so do keep checking the sheet and our weekly newsletter. 

Our Collective Worship theme this week focused on Harvest, culminating in our lovely Harvest Service in St James' Church. Thank you for your donations and support for the Manna Centre and the work they do for the homeless.

We look forward to seeing many of you at Southwark Park on Sunday for the fund-raising Run Kids Run Event.

Wishing you, along with our whole community, a really lovely, restful weekend.
God bless, from the St. James’ team.

Events for Next Week

Monday 7th October
• Violin lessons continue at KS2 (weekly);
• 1 Matisse visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping;
• KS2 Girls’ Capoiera session with Mr. Brenta at Charlotte Sharman School.
Tuesday 8th October
• Reception 2025 tour – Old Jamaica Road, 10:00;
• 5 Ofili visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping. Wednesday 9th October
• Recorder lessons continue at KS1 (weekly).
Thursday 10th October
• Year 4 ‘Dove Day’ – promoting positive body image workshops.
Friday 11th October
• Wear Yellow non-uniform day for a suggested donation of £1.00 (as above);
• 5 Turner visiting the Blue Anchor Library for story-telling and book-swapping. Sunday 13th October
• ‘Run, Kids, Run’ event Southwark Park 14:00-16:00 at the Athletics Track.

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